German Blitzkrieg on Global Warming Movement: Experts Debunk Alarmists

Skeptical: Fritz Vahrenholt, PhD (Photo: RWE)
February 8, 2012 - Germany - One of the fathers of Germany's green movement has gone public as a global warming skeptic. German media are having a field day with him. His name: Fritz Vahrenholt. 

The myth of "global warming" and the worldwide disaster it would bring continues to melt away. The sun - that big hot thing that heats our planet - has more to do with climate than anything we puny humans have done.

German Das Bild published a bombshell article on February 7 with the headline "The CO2 Lies: Renowned team of scientists claim the climate catastrophe is fear-mongering by politics" ("Die CO2-Lüge: Renommiertes Forscher-Team Behauptet: Die Klima-Katastrophe Ist Panik-Mache Der Politik"). 

One volcano can put more greenhouse gases and particulates into the atmosphere in a single week than Mankind has for the past 500 years. As more and more experts realize that Al Gore and his carbon credit-trading profiteers have been lying to us with faked and manipulated "data," more and more experts are willing to say publicly what many still consider verboten:  The notion of man made global warming is fraudulent.

One of the latest brave experts to publicly come out of the "global warming denier" closet is Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, Ph.D., 62. Vahrenholt cannot be easily dismissed by environmental fanatics who cling to their flawed and disgraced  pseudo-science. Not only is Vahrenholt a doctor of chemistry, he is considered to be one of the founders of Germany's modern green movement (see his curriculum vitae).

The global warmists' fantasies of global climate catastrophe on chemistry,
 especially on the chemical interaction of carbon dioxide and other gases with the atmosphere. Vahrenholt knows a thing or two about the environment, and about greenhouse gases.

Vahrenholt's recent interview with Der Spiegel (Spiegel Online) is fascinating. The February 8 article is headlined "Breaking Global Warming Taboos: 'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'" and is causing quite a stir worldwide. In that interview, he discusses his new book, "The Cold Sun" ("Die kalte Sonne"), which is sure to keep things stirred up.

"The Cold Sun"
Vahrenholt, writes Spiegel Online, "is typical of someone who came of age during the student protest movement of the late 1960s and who fought against the chemical industry's toxic manufacturing plants in the 1970s. His party, Germany's center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), chose him as environment senator in the city-state of Hamburg, where he incurred the wrath of the environmental lobby by building a waste incineration plant, earning him the nickname "Feuerfritze" (Fire Fritz). He worked in industry after that, first for oil multinational Shell and then for wind turbine maker RePower, which he helped develop. Now, as the outgoing CEO of the renewable energy group RWE Innogy, he is about to embark on his next major battle. "I'm going to make enemies in all camps," he says. He wants to break a taboo. "The climate catastrophe is not occurring," he writes in his book "Die Kalte Sonne" (The Cold Sun), published by Hoffmann and Campe, which will be in bookstores next week.

What turned Vahrenholt into a skeptic? "Vahrenholt decided to do some digging." writes Doug Ross. "His colleague Dr. Lüning also gave him a copy of Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion. He was horrified by the sloppiness and deception he found. Persuaded by Hoffmann & Campe, he and Lüning decided to write the book. Die kalte Sonne cites 800 sources and has over 80 charts and figures. It examines and summarizes the latest science."

RWE Innogy will replace Vahrenholt as its CEO on July 1, 2012 with Hans Friedrich Bünting. Vahrenholt will remain with RePower as a member of its newly-formed supervisory board of RWE Innogy. More at
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